This, for me, has been the crucial habit to cultivate for maintaining regular, daily communion with the Lord, no matter what else happens in life. The components of your routine may vary but should involve expressing gratitude to God for His deeds, reading the Bible, and praying for your needs and the people you care about.
I like to begin by thanking God for all He has done. Some days I list the specific things that immediately come to mind, while other times I summarize categories. Part of faith is knowing that even when things are going poorly, God is still blessing you.
I'm not an expert, but I have a better understanding of the Bible now, and I can truthfully say I've read it all. The interesting thing about Scripture is that each time you read it, you discover something new. Even if you sit in the same room and chair every morning, as I do, a verse like Jeremiah 29:11 might resonate with you differently in April than it did in September. The same goes for Romans 8:28 or John 3:16 or any other passage.
Engage with God's word daily or as often as possible, even if it's just a verse or chapter. Don't worry if you don't understand something; resources like Google can help you find translations and analyses. Start with short sessions a few times a week or dedicate an hour each morning during quiet times. A focused, uninterrupted period is best, as this is time spent with the Lord, who deserves your attention.
Besides reading the word, this is an ideal moment for prayer. The reading might have prompted a request you have for the Lord, or you might have a list of needs or people who are struggling and require assistance. The encouraging news is that the Lord is already aware of your desires and needs and is addressing them for you, His child. However, your prayer is still significant because it demonstrates to God that you trust Him to assist with any and all needs you and others may have.
Your prayer can be silent, spoken aloud, or written in a diary or journal. I prefer to type my prayers in a Word document. On some days, I only type a few words, while on other days, I write pages and pages. Typing helps me concentrate, as I often lose focus and my mind wanders when I pray silently or aloud. God kindly accepts my prayers in any form. He understands me no matter what, so the journal is mainly for my benefit.
While you can connect with God at any time, in any place, and under any condition, practicing faith is most effective with others who share your beliefs. It also provides a chance to form relationships with fellow believers, to mentor or be mentored, to serve others, and, as my pastor often says, to "go be Jesus to the world."
Finding a community of believers to join is finding a Church Family. This will be covered in my next post.